Steam Charts Shows New World Player Counts
New World released new information about the player’s activity in different games. Steam Charts only show peak players. The leaderboards allow us to better understand the numbers of players in different games.
Lazarus mutation
Data shows that, at the height of Lazarus, 15373 groups cleared Lazarus M10 Gold with almost 18,000 players. In terms of the highest score, 23,252 different groups had 20,016 players. Players ran multiple runs to reach the highest score.
Outpost Rush
Outpost Rush’s leaderboards revealed that 26,771 players were unique. War had around 12,000 players. This is similar to 12,300 Arena players. Outpost Rush is a much bigger game than Arena.
It can be difficult to determine the number of players in SMITE. The official Steam count is 43 000 but the number of active players could be higher. We can better understand how many people are playing the game by looking at the data collected by xr.
New World
Around 35 000 players are also shown to have either done an outpost rush or New World Coins but not both. The overlap between players who participated in wars and those who have completed an outpost rush is 8600. Even more, players have completed both arenas and outpost rushes. Around 4500 players participated in wars and completed mutations.
On the Delos server, it’s fascinating to see that 472 players took part in seven wars. This means there are 228 duplications of those who have participated in multiple wars. It’s interesting to note that on the server Delos, 472 players participated in seven wars. This means 228 duplicates took part in more than one.
These numbers give us a pretty good idea of how many players are active in the game. It will be interesting to see the changes in player numbers when new patches or updates come out.
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